As part of its contract with CEET, Compagnie Energie Electrique du Togo, IED and its partner AXELEC in Togo, have been since early August 2022, supervising the implementation of a geographic information system for CEET's electricity infrastructure and customers.
Concretely, this project, financed by the World Bank, is articulated according to the following steps:
- The digitalization of CEET's distribution networks and its subscribers,
- The construction of a dataserver, its controlled environment and its backup infrastructure,
- The delivery of computers and office equipments to the CEET,
- The development of a network and subscriber management application including integration into a Computer System.
In order to ensure the proper execution of this project, IED provided training in October 2022 to Togolese data collectors to enable them to georeferencing in Greater Lomé by collecting infrastructure data and electricity meters.