On the occasion of the festivities celebrating nomadic cultures, particularly the Tuareg culture, the Nigerian authorities inaugurated in early December 2022 in the heart of the Aïr mountain range located 1200 km away from Niamey, the new hybrid power plant of Iférouane (360 kWp solar, batteries and diesel).
The Nigerian Electricity Company, NIGELEC, project owner, with the financial support of the World Bank, is leading the solar hybridization project of 15 diesel power plants supplying so far isolated localities, adding to a total of 6.1 MWp of solar production.
The project also includes works to extend the medium and low voltage networks to cover all the populations of these localities. IED and its local partner CEH-SIDI, provide expertise to Nigelec on the different phases of the project: selection and contracting of EPC companies, validation of execution files, performance of works, acceptance and operation.