The Agrogazelec project, carried out with the support of the French Global Environement Facility (FFEM), has enabled the adaptation and transfer of the technology exploited by IED Invest in Cambodia to cashew hulls, with a view to develop the industrial sector in Africa.
A first pilot project, co-financed by the OCEF Facility of the Millenium Challenge Account - Benin II (MCA Benin II) aims to transform the cashew hulls of the Tolaro Global plant into electricity to meet the needs of the plant, and thus improve the competitiveness of the local processing sector and limit its impact on the environement.
The last equipment of the gasification plant have arrived on site and the installation of the plant will start up in the coming days.
Teams from Cambodia, Côte d'Ivoire and France will be mobilized to assemble the equipment and carry out commissioning tests in early May.
Although the technology is relatively simple and robust, good control of operation and maintenance are the key to ensuring a sustainable and efficient operation. The future managers of the operation and maintenance of the Tolaro power plant (4 Beninese engineers and technicians) went to Cambodia from 14 March to 2 April to be trained in operation in one of the plants operated by IED Invest in Cambodia, as part of the capacity building activities of the Agrogazelec project.
This training was provided by the Cambodian operation teams and IED Invest's gasification support service for Africa based in Côte d'Ivoire.